Religion and Spirituality in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

I would like to express my thanks to the practitioners of craniosacral therapy across the globe who have sent me positive and encouraging emails asking for more posts during my recent hiatus. It continues to amaze me that the internet connects so many wonderful like-minded individuals. Experts on the subject of blogging say the number one rule to effectiveness with this medium is to be consistent … well it looks like I’ve blown that one! I have been putting a lot of energy into building my clinical practice over the last six months, and it has really payed off with an increased understanding of what it takes to make a living as a craniosacral therapist. I’ve also put time and energy into building strong relationships with my children and spiritual community, and I have been greatly enriched by these efforts. Teaching remains an ongoing endeavor. During my absence from blogging I have been taking a closer look at what it really means to be a craniosacral practitioner in the modern world, and I am excited about sharing some of those thoughts as I get back into online writing. Let’s start with this:

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Happy Trails to You – Exploring Equine Craniosacral Therapy

And Allah took a handful of southerly wind,
blew His breath over it, and created the horse.
He said to the magnificent creature,
“I have made thee as no other.
All the treasures of the earth lie between thy eyes …
Thou shall fly without wings,
and conquer without any sword.”
~ Bedouin Legend

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Shifting with The Tide: Some Thoughts on the Art of Yielding

One of the most difficult things for me to grasp when I began exploring biodynamics was the instruction to “allow your awareness to be shifted by the tide.” I ran into this challenge conceptually in my study of Dr. Jealous’ work and experientially as I deepened into my studies with Michael Shea. The process of yielding one’s awareness really has to be experienced to be understood. Talking about it can point the learner in a general direction, but ultimately it is practice in the chair that makes this beautiful experience come to life.

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The Great Schism of Craniosacral Therapy

The other day, while out to lunch with a colleague, I was introduced to a craniosacral practitioner who works here in my area. As you can imagine, it didn’t take long until we got on the topic of cranial work. When I told her that I had devoted much time to the study of biodynamics and found it useful in a clinical setting, her face slowly tightened as she said “So, you’re one of those people that just sits there and doesn’t do anything, huh?” As you can imagine, her tone wasn’t particularly pleasant.

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