Carol Agneesens – The Breath Which Breathes Us

Carol A. Agneessens, MS., Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Rolf Movement® Instructor, Registered Craniosacral Therapist

“Listen – Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?”1 — Mary Oliver

Breathing: life’s most vital function. Countless writings and techniques, from ancient Sanskrit texts and yogic practices to innovative holistic therapies and medical interventions are devoted to the cultivation, understanding and repair of respiratory physiology. Every physical, psychological and emotional problem is to some degree connected to a lack of oxygen and the interruption of full breathing cycles. Yet how many individuals pay attention to their personal respiratory habits? Or notice how respiratory health affects the depth and fullness of their breath and life? What happens to the breathing cycle when stressful events occur?

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Carol Agneesens – Flowing Wholeness

Flowing Wholeness :
The Vibratory Resonance Beneath Perceivable Form
(See for footnotes to this article)

July 2013.
Carol Ann Agneessens, MS.

Imagine for a moment having access to a Hubble-like telescope. Not only can it block distortions from earth’s atmosphere, it is able to record a deep view into space and time with laser precision. In addition, it captures the energetic blueprint of structure prior to the coalescing into form.

What might you see? Is there an iterative pattern shaping nature which can be identified throughout animal and plant kingdoms? Perhaps, through the exquisite ‘eye’ of this lens, we are witnessing the fundamental ‘vibration’ underlying form. Perhaps beneath the perceived solidity of structure there is an active process, moving, shaping and vivifying all organic matter.

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Michael Shea – The Embodiment of Primary Respiration: Order, Organization, and Transparency

The Embodiment of Primary Respiration: Order, Organization and Transparency
Michael J Shea, PhD

Stillness in the midst of motion and commotion
is free of will, direction, and time.
It is a complete letting be of what is from moment to moment.

—Toni Packer, “Unmasking the Self”

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Michael Shea – The Embodiment of Primary Respiration: Form, Vulnerability and Humility

The Embodiment of Primary Respiration: Form, Vulnerability and Humility
Michael J Shea, PhD

“The healer’s job is to become attuned to the higher level of existence, then join with the patient and facilitate the ‘next best step’ (Comeaux, 2002, p.61).”

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Michael Shea – Principles of Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy (BCVT)

In this guest post, Michael Shea elaborates on ten guiding principles for the practice of Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy.

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An Interview with Ken DiPersio – Full-Spectrum Craniosacral

Today’s post is a transcription of Episode 35 of The Craniosacral Podcast. Ken DiPersio began his craniosacral studies with John Upledger, taught for his institute for a bit, and eventually went on to study biodynamics with Michael Shea. In the interview he talks about some things he learned from Dr. John and Michael, and shares some insights into how he currently views and teaches the work. I received a good deal of positive feedback about this interview, so I thought it would be a good one to put into print for those of you who might like to have it in a readable form. Special thanks to Sarah Tivoli for doing this transcription.

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The Embodiment Tide

I recently released a podcast episode featuring Scott Zamurut speaking about the Embodiment Tide. The Embodiment Tide is a slow reciprocal motion in the bioenergetic field that moves into expansion and contraction for about 20 minutes in each direction. It is slower than the Long Tide, which moves in 100 second cycles.

Today’s post will include two documents on the topic of the Embodiment Tide. Thanks to Scott Zamurut for providing these documents for the blog.

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An Interview with Mike Boxhall

Yes, yes, I know. It has been a while since I have made a post to this blog. My podcast project has taken on a life of its own, with thousands of downloads per month, so it has indeed been getting the majority of my attention for the last few months. But an opportunity to add content to the blog just came across my desk, so I thought I would post it for those of you who enjoy the dying art of reading written content. Personally, I love to read, but the younger generation has its own ideas …
In Episode 32 of the podcast I interviewed Mike Boxhall, a CST teacher from the UK. Mike has over 40 years of clinical and teaching experience in craniosacral therapy and other healing arts. He commissioned a transcript of our interview for submission to a publisher and recently sent me a lightly edited copy. I’ll include it today for your reference. Mike really is a treasure for our profession, and there are many nuggets of wisdom in this transcript. I hope you find it useful!

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Guest Author – Thomas Walker – Bones to Fluids: A Path to Understanding Wholeness

My most recent guest on The Craniosacral Podcast, Episode 22, was Thomas Walker. I’m happy to offer you a sample of his writing on the blog today. I just love how concise and readable this article is about Sutherland’s journey into deep fluidity. Enjoy!

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Guest Author Brian Tierney – Vitalism and Mechanism; Linguistic Biodynamics

My most recent guest on Episode 20 of The Craniosacral Podcast was Brian Tierney. In the interview Brian shared with us about his journey through the healing arts and influences in the field of craniosacral therapy. He is currently completing doctorate work in psychology and teaches for Body Intelligence. Here are two short writing samples from Brian relating to craniosacral therapy:

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